Der Bittr Blog
Important Update on Bittr’s Banking Details
Ruben Waterman
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Effective immediately, our Klarpay bank accounts with the details below are no longer operational:

  • CH0683041111110000136 (CHF)
  • CH3483041111210046596 (EUR)

For those who’ve recently made a transfer to either of these accounts, please be assured: your funds will automatically be returned to your bank account. We deeply regret the inconvenience this may present.

Reminder: If you’ve established a standing or recurring order to any of these Klarpay accounts, it’s essential to cancel it immediately to avert future transactions.

Temporary Pause on CHF Payments

With the closure of our Klarpay accounts, we’re currently pausing all CHF payments. We understand the challenges this may pose. We’re working diligently to open a new CHF bank account and will promptly inform you via email with updated payment details once that’s in place.

Alternative EUR Banking Details:

For those with access to an EUR bank account and wanting to keep their transactions with Bittr uninterrupted, please note our EUR banking details:

  • IBAN: GB40CLJU00997129900229 (EUR)
  • Bank Code (BIC): CLJUGB21
  • Bank Name: Clear Junction
  • Address: 15 Kingsway, London, United Kingdom
  • Payment Description: your existing bittr deposit code

Should you have any queries or need further assistance during this transition, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’re here to support and guide you every step of the way.

Thank you for your trust and understanding. We remain dedicated to ensuring your Bittr experience is smooth and efficient.

Ruben Waterman
Ruben ist der Gründer von Bittr und beschäftigt sich seit 2013 mit Bitcoin. Nach seinem M.Sc. in Digital Currency an der Universität Nikosia hat er den einfachsten Weg erschaffen um in Bitcoin zu sparen. Er kümmert sich seit 2018 als selbsterlernter Softwareentwickler um das Projekt. Mit Expertise und Hingabe zu Bitcoin treibt er seine Vision voran.